Monday, October 12, 2009

Lettuce and the water – in the end it will be the lettuce and water that is killing us

I am making the bet now that they are going to find eventually that lettuce and the water has been killing us all along. I am convinced that the experts just don’t understand what any of it means and they are talking out their butts 95% of the time because their faces know better. Too many studies, too many studies that told us this is bad for us, that is good for us and then later on we get the news, it is decided that the evidence supports the exact opposite as being true. If smoking and drinking is what is killing us why did the cigar chomping George Burns live to be 100 years old? And then why would a seemingly healthy Chuck Hughes die of a heart attack before he was thirty. Chuck Hughes was a receiver for the Detroit Lions and he died on the field of a heart attack during a game in 1971. I bet you have all seen evidence and heard stories that support my conclusion that just because someone says that is bad for ya it may not be “all that bad”. If we side with Charley, Mr. Darwin to most, even a tiny little bit, then we must know that survival of the fittest is an evolutionary process and we are not immune to it. I should not say that too awfully loud as they may start working on a vaccine for that. So then maybe just maybe folks die from eating steaks and smoking tobacco because the evolutionary processes are silently and methodically thinning the herd, maybe that person was not amongst the ones whose genes are to remain in the primordial pool. A harsh assessment, maybe, but on the other hand maybe, just maybe, it is a cold hard truth.

I see where Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tells us the other day that 600 people have died from the swine flu, or H1N1, a seemingly little known and less cared about fact is that over 13,000 people have died this year from the plain old ordinary flu. Why are we not calling the regular flu a pandemic when it has killed a couple of magnitudes of order more people in this country alone? Why do we allow these “crisis’s to be perpetrated against us? Yes I said it perpetrated against us! We are to be worked up into panic and get all the mechanisms of government and industry revved up to solve what seems to me to be nothing more than an anemic flu season with a relatively benign strain this year when compared to the normal flu. I am not saying it is not bad, any flu is potentially deadly but has it really risen to the pandemic level like we are being told, I say hardly. I have a very young relative that has it but since it is treatable there is no real threat of not getting through it, was it pretty NO, will it be OK, yes.

So I was shopping the other day and was looking for some hand soap, not hand sanitizer, just some soap to scrub the dirt from my hands. I was surprised to see the number of hand cleaning products that promise to kill anything that might have ever lived on your hands. God forbid if we actually get a germ on us. What if, and I am speaking strictly hypothetically here, what if we need to come in contact with a germ every now and again to keep our immune system operating a peak efficiency? If we sterilize ourselves at every step of the day what will be the long term impact of that? I have seen kids carrying hand sanitizer with them wherever they go, I cannot imagine my Mom buying us kids a small little bottle of hand sanitizer – it would have never happened. The hand sanitizers are not the only products that tout to kill 99% of germs, on contact is a claim I have heard before. Why do we need to do that? Maybe that is why we have situations like swine flu. Maybe we have weakened our immune systems to the level that normal little things that we used to be able to fight off now kick our asses. I am not a certified medical professional but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night - Opps nevermind but as a simple observer of my surroundings that explaination seems plausible to me.

If you listen to the doomsayers, about H1N1 and about eating red meat being bad for ya and all the other things we are told are bad for us then I am not at all sure how the human race has lasted so long. We have not really had what we might call effective pharmaceuticals for more than about 100 years, I know there are many natural and holistic medicinal remedies that have been around A LONG time and have worked with great success. While we are no longer “bleeding” people our understanding of the long term effects of pharmaceuticals are really not much better than the understanding, at the time, of the bleeders. That is not what they will tell ya but even with FDA approval it is really a crap shoot with most of the medications folks take. If you need proof read the FDA required list of potential side effects and you will learn that even an simple aspirin can, can I say cause death. Sure we are living longer than our recent ancestors but is that because of the pharmaceuticals that are available to us, as they would have us believe, or….. or is it because we have better food, clothing and shelter. The most direct comparison I can use is the pharmaceutical Viagra made by Pfizer, now if there were ever an example of nature taking care of eliminating genes from the pool this is it. Now one day when I reach the point I need those I may have a different opinion of them but until then………

I believe we are all here for a predetermined amount of time and it matters little what we eat while we are here, that is not the determining factor. So dig in and enjoy your lettuce, that has been sprayed with enough pesticides to down a horse and slurp up the water that has been run through a reverse osmosis filter that was in need of a good cleaning, it is OK and is “good” for ya.

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