Sunday, October 20, 2013

Time, it is the fire in which we all burn

 I want you to, if only for just a moment, try to imagine what the world would be like if we did not have the concept of the river of time carrying us along.  I am sure it can be done, to imagine life without time.  We understand the month, year and day of the week. There is a clock on your wall, on your wrist, on your phone, in your car and rarely do you not know, within an hour or so what time it is. We have schedules, a calendar to keep and that dinner date to make.
But when you look around at the rest of the biological world, it makes you wonder how mixed up time makes everything.  A dog has no watch, a deer does not fret over passing burfdays and cats could give a shit about time, they sleep most it away anyway.  Man alone measures time, man alone chimes the hours as they pass. It is the single most feared thing in our lives, time.  We have and always will have a fear of time running out! 
Time is the most familiar thing in the world, and yet philosophically one of the most puzzling.  Is the present what's left when you subtract what has already happened, and what is yet to happen?  Then it seems to vanish into a mere instant.  Are future events completely unreal?  Or are they just the things we can't know yet?  Is time unreal, as many of us simpletons have speculated?  I have never been able to get the math to work. 
I have often used the comparison of life to a train ride, starting on day one, ending at that hopefully distant station.  Folks get on, folks get off and sometimes she just goes off the rails.  I have never understood those who fear time, it is not the ceaseless reaper, stalking us on our ride.  I may not know or understand time fully but I tend to look for the positive in everything.  I  refuse to believe in anything that would conclude with the end overcoming the means to get to that end!  We need to enjoy the ride because the end is unknown.
I hope I never get to hung up on the end, of whatever it may be.  If our lives run down the river of time, I want an inner tube and I am going to enjoy the ride.  I watch a lot of people rushing around, for God only knows what. Got get to work, gotta get home, gotta get to the store.  We focus on the end, almost always - think about it!  There is a philosophy called presentism, which is compatible with Galilean relativity, in which time is independent of space.  But when you start thinking about my favorite Brother from a different mother Albert, it is incompatible with Einsteinian relativity.
I find it funny that presentism can also be used more loosely to refer to a narrow focus on the conditions of the moment - HELLO!  The 28th Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautamano, was preaching that 2500 years ago!  We have to live in the moment.  But damn it, there we are again back to time.  Why is it that nothing else cares about time like we do, why have we figured out all these elaborate methods of keeping track of it.  Almost all ancient cultures were tracking it, with stars and celestial body's roaming around the heavens.  
Time, it is a hard thing to understand!  Time, I hate to admit,is the MOST IMPORTANT thing for our hearts.  It is so important to tell those that you love, that you love them.  It is so important to not to put things off till tomorrow, tomorrow may never come.  It is so important that we are present in our lives, smelling roses, enjoying a sunrise, staring at the clouds while floating in a pool. 
Don't let it get away, if you want to do something or see someone - do those things.  We always have choices, don't let the fact you may find yourself in a place you don't want to be!  Change it!  We may not see the change happening quickly, but with time and a series of different choices a better ride will come, a bigger inner tube and a cold beer.  Be part of your own solution, do it now! 
Time, it just hurts my head!  Maybe it is simple, maybe we created it to remind us how important the journey is and to remind us to cherish every moment we are given.  Maybe time is the coal that is powering my train of life, driving us into some distant destination that is just unknowable.  Oh well, I am glad each of you has joined me on my ride through life, just reading this means you are on my train - thank you for joining me.